
Last year our Affirmative Management property manager saved us nearly $100,000, or 15% of our entire association budget. They did this by driving down our garbage collection, cable TV / internet, telephone, and termite treatment costs. AMS’s creativity and persistence enabled us to not increase our dues last year.

Mike K, President

Working with AMS has made our lives as board members easier because we have a lot of confidence in their guidance and execution. Most recently it was a major roof project that went off without a hitch… before that it was a big exterior renovation and paint project… and before that it was a complete landscaping makeover that really improved the look of the community. It’s gratifying to know that our residents can see we are getting important things done.

Ken F, President

Affirmative Management’s biggest impact on our community was when they helped us rewrite our governing documents. The new CCRs clearly define how maintenance responsibility is divided between the HOA and owners – plus we streamlined nominations, elections, and annual meetings by adopting several ingenious Bylaw changes they suggested. It’s hard to overstate the positive effect these changes have had on the way we operate, but our board is smaller, we meet less, yet we get more done than before we were managed by AMS.

Jim C, President

Affirmative Management’s reliability and effectiveness make my role as a board member much easier – when I talk to my AMS property manager about something that needs to be done I know that I don’t have to worry about it again.

Barbara R, President